In Toronto/GTA? Peter Herbeck, Exec. VP joined the Digital Café yesterday to invite our readers to tomorrow's "Lift Jesus Higher Rally". Even if not an early riser, you can join in prayer at 9:00AM!
Where? Metro Toronto Convention Centre. Pray with Chris Stefanick & 1800 others uniting in prayer of the Rosary, the Chaplet to the Divine Mercy & Holy First Saturday Mass led by Cardinal Collins.
What are your plans for First Saturday?
Wondering about where to pray tomorrow?
If you are in Toronto, Canada, or know anyone in the GTA visiting Toronto, and looking to brave the storm, help us to invite them to a full day of prayer at the Metro Convention Centre & send this info to them right now about tomorrow’s
Lift Jesus Higher Rally:
Saturday, March 04, 2023 09:00 AM - Saturday, March 04, 2023 05:30 PM
Metro Toronto Convention Centre, North Building, 255 Front Street West, Toronto
In this short video excerpt from our full episode released before 8 p.m. this evening, Peter Herbeck told the Rosary Hour Podcast Live Record Team why he came all the way to the GTA by car with Ralph Martin from Ann Arbor Michigan (USA):
ABOUT PETER HERBECK: Executive Vice-President and Director of Missions
Peter Herbeck is the Executive Vice President and Director of Missions for Renewal Ministries. For more than thirty years, he has been actively involved in evangelization and Catholic renewal throughout the US, Canada, Asia, Africa and Eastern Europe. Peter is the co-host of the weekly television show, The Choices We Face. He hosts the daily radio show Fire on the Earth. He is a frequent conference speaker. He co-authored his most recent book, Lessons From the School of Love: Cultivating a Christ-Centered Marriage, with his wife, Debbie. He has also authored When the Spirit Comes in Power, When the Spirit Speaks, and numerous booklets, and is a frequent contributor to Renewal Ministries’ popular YouTube channel. Peter and his wife, Debbie, have four children and eleven grandchildren, and reside in Ann Arbor, Michigan.
Help us spread the word to Lift Jesus Higher — let’s invite all those surfing the net into the wee hours of the night to Toronto.
You can share all this info and do your part by helping us get the word out on all your social media networks. Share this post or our videos and help the Blessed Mother to interrupt the sometimes mindless flow of info — and share her desire for us to Stand with Jesus. Invite a friend, a cousin, a relative you know who might be able to come to this Rally.
Maybe you wish to get up early and go?
If you need more information, listen to the longer conversation with a powerful testimony about the Lift Jesus Higher Rally by Fr. Peter Turrone, whose parish life at Holy Rosary Karen Rocha interviewed him about yesterday. Visit their website: