Corpo de Deus & "ECCLESIA DE EUCHARISTIA" (ENCYCLICAL LETTER by: ST. POPE JOHN PAUL II) on the Eucharist & its relationship to the Church [Excerpts + links in English / Portuguese]
In Northern Portugal? Join in a local Eucharistic procession in Braga, Porto, Fátima, etc. Also, attend the exhibit on the Terço till 6PM + 7 juhno 21h15-22h30 special presentation tonight!
The Second Vatican Council rightly proclaimed that the Eucharistic sacrifice is “the source and summit of the Christian life”.
“For the most holy Eucharist contains the Church's entire spiritual wealth: Christ himself, our passover and living bread. Through his own flesh, now made living and life-giving by the Holy Spirit, he offers life to men”.
Consequently the gaze of the Church is constantly turned to her Lord, present in the Sacrament of the Altar, in which she discovers the full manifestation of his boundless love.
[PORTUGUESE] O Concílio Vaticano II justamente afirmou que o sacrifício eucarístico é « fonte e centro de toda a vida cristã ».(1) Com efeito, « na santíssima Eucaristia, está contido todo o tesouro espiritual da Igreja, isto é, o próprio Cristo, a nossa Páscoa e o pão vivo que dá aos homens a vida mediante a sua carne vivificada e vivificadora pelo Espírito Santo ».(2) Por isso, o olhar da Igreja volta-se continuamente para o seu Senhor, presente no sacramento do Altar, onde descobre a plena manifestação do seu imenso amor.
5. “Mysterium fidei! - The Mystery of Faith!”. When the priest recites or chants these words, all present acclaim: “We announce your death, O Lord, and we proclaim your resurrection, until you come in glory”.
Mysterium fidei! - « Mistério da fé ». Quando o sacerdote pronuncia ou canta estas palavras, os presentes aclamam: « Anunciamos, Senhor, a vossa morte, proclamamos a vossa ressurreição. Vinde, Senhor Jesus! ».
In these or similar words the Church, while pointing to Christ in the mystery of his passion, also reveals her own mystery: Ecclesia de Eucharistia. By the gift of the Holy Spirit at Pentecost the Church was born and set out upon the pathways of the world, yet a decisive moment in her taking shape was certainly the institution of the Eucharist in the Upper Room. Her foundation and wellspring is the whole Triduum paschale, but this is as it were gathered up, foreshadowed and “concentrated' for ever in the gift of the Eucharist. In this gift Jesus Christ entrusted to his Church the perennial making present of the paschal mystery. With it he brought about a mysterious “oneness in time” between that Triduum and the passage of the centuries.
Com estas palavras ou outras semelhantes, a Igreja, ao mesmo tempo que apresenta Cristo no mistério da sua Paixão, revela também o seu próprio mistério: Ecclesia de Eucharistia. Se é com o dom do Espírito Santo, no Pentecostes, que a Igreja nasce e se encaminha pelas estradas do mundo, um momento decisivo da sua formação foi certamente a instituição da Eucaristia no Cenáculo. O seu fundamento e a sua fonte é todo o Triduum Paschale, mas este está de certo modo guardado, antecipado e « concentrado » para sempre no dom eucarístico. Neste, Jesus Cristo entregava à Igreja a actualização perene do mistério pascal. Com ele, instituía uma misteriosa « contemporaneidade » entre aquele Triduum e o arco inteiro dos séculos.
The thought of this leads us to profound amazement and gratitude. In the paschal event and the Eucharist which makes it present throughout the centuries, there is a truly enormous “capacity” which embraces all of history as the recipient of the grace of the redemption. This amazement should always fill the Church assembled for the celebration of the Eucharist. But in a special way it should fill the minister of the Eucharist. For it is he who, by the authority given him in the sacrament of priestly ordination, effects the consecration. It is he who says with the power coming to him from Christ in the Upper Room: “This is my body which will be given up for you This is the cup of my blood, poured out for you...”. The priest says these words, or rather he puts his voice at the disposal of the One who spoke these words in the Upper Room and who desires that they should be repeated in every generation by all those who in the Church ministerially share in his priesthood.
Este pensamento suscita em nós sentimentos de grande e reconhecido enlevo. Há, no evento pascal e na Eucaristia que o actualiza ao longo dos séculos, uma « capacidade » realmente imensa, na qual está contida a história inteira, enquanto destinatária da graça da redenção. Este enlevo deve invadir sempre a assembleia eclesial reunida para a celebração eucarística; mas, de maneira especial, deve inundar o ministro da Eucaristia, o qual, pela faculdade recebida na Ordenação sacerdotal, realiza a consagração; é ele, com o poder que lhe vem de Cristo, do Cenáculo, que pronuncia: « Isto é o meu Corpo que será entregue por vós »; « este é o cálice do meu Sangue, [...] que será derramado por vós ». O sacerdote pronuncia estas palavras ou, antes, coloca a sua boca e a sua voz à disposição d'Aquele que as pronunciou no Cenáculo e quis que fossem repetidas de geração em geração por todos aqueles que, na Igreja, participam ministerialmente do seu sacerdócio.
6. I would like to rekindle this Eucharistic “amazement” by the present Encyclical Letter, in continuity with the Jubilee heritage which I have left to the Church in the Apostolic Letter Novo Millennio Ineunte and its Marian crowning, Rosarium Virginis Mariae. To contemplate the face of Christ, and to contemplate it with Mary, is the “programme” which I have set before the Church at the dawn of the third millennium, summoning her to put out into the deep on the sea of history with the enthusiasm of the new evangelization. To contemplate Christ involves being able to recognize him wherever he manifests himself, in his many forms of presence, but above all in the living sacrament of his body and his blood. The Church draws her life from Christ in the Eucharist; by him she is fed and by him she is enlightened. The Eucharist is both a mystery of faith and a “mystery of light”.3 Whenever the Church celebrates the Eucharist, the faithful can in some way relive the experience of the two disciples on the road to Emmaus: “their eyes were opened and they recognized him” (Lk 24:31).
6. É este « enlevo » eucarístico que desejo despertar com esta carta encíclica, que dá continuidade à herança jubilar que quis entregar à Igreja com a carta apostólica Novo millennio ineunte e o seu coroamento mariano – a carta apostólica Rosarium Virginis Mariæ. Contemplar o rosto de Cristo e contemplá-lo com Maria é o « programa » que propus à Igreja na aurora do terceiro milénio, convidando-a a fazer-se ao largo no mar da história lançando-se com entusiasmo na nova evangelização. Contemplar Cristo implica saber reconhecê-Lo onde quer que Ele Se manifeste, com as suas diversas presenças mas sobretudo no sacramento vivo do seu corpo e do seu sangue. A Igreja vive de Jesus eucarístico, por Ele é nutrida, por Ele é iluminada. A Eucaristia é mistério de fé e, ao mesmo tempo, « mistério de luz ».(3)Sempre que a Igreja a celebra, os fiéis podem de certo modo reviver a experiência dos dois discípulos de Emaús: « Abriram-se-lhes os olhos e reconheceram-No » (Lc 24, 31).
Read the full text in English:
Leia o texto integral em inglês:
Mark your calendar: June 10, 4PM EST
Chaplet, Rosary, Litany to the Sacred Heart of Jesus - prayers led on LIVE RADIO by Zosia and Amelia with Dr. Blythe Kaufman
Guest Author: Dr. Blythe Kaufman reports on Children’s Rosary ® involvement at Rosary Rally in Ireland last weekend, which was created originally by Venerable Fr. Patrick Peyton. 7-8K were in attendance at Knock Shrine. Details to follow in an upcoming post.
VIDEO: Full Rosary in Portuguese led by Padre Nuno Rocha with Consecration and the Litany to Our Lady, due out on June 25, 2023 for JMJ 2023 pilgrims, etc.
Watch our latest video by Fr. Anthony Gramlich, MIC here. Thank you for sharing it with others:
For those from out-of-town, tomorrow is a National Holiday for ALL of Portugal for the Solemnity of Corpus Christi (Solenidade do Corpo de Deus).
MANY PUBLIC EUCHARISTIC PROCESSIONS will take place at various venues. Check your local parish website tonight if in Portugal. Also, many places like grocery stores / cafés, etc. may be closed after 1 p.m. Please plan accordingly tonight.
If you are travelling in the pilgrim triangle, see this quick list here for more details on EUCHARISTIC PROCESSIONS:
PÓVOA DE VARZIM (ARCHDIOCESE of BRAGA), Procession led by Pe. Avelino (Rector at Matriz)
The Cardinal-Patriarch of Lisbon, D. Manuel Clemente, will preside, in the Cathedral, at the celebrations on the Solemnity of the Most Holy Body and Blood of Christ (CORPUS CHRISTI), on Thursday, June 8.
The traditional Corpus Christi procession, through the streets of the city's downtown, begins at 5:00 p.m., at Largo da Sé, where it is expected to arrive at 6:30 p.m., with the final blessing.
In Porto, D. Manuel Linda presides at 11:00 a.m. in the Cathedral to the Mass of the Body of Christ.
At 4:00 p.m. the Vespers Prayer begins in the Church of the Trinity from where the procession of the Body of God departs towards the Cathedral.According to Canon Adélio Abreu, Professor of Church History at the Catholic University and President of the Cabido Portucalense, the origin of devotion is linked "to many medieval heresies" and in particular those that "called into question the real presence of Christ in the Eucharist."
"It is in this context that Eucharistic initiatives begin to appear that basically express the value of the Sacrament of the Eucharist," the professor said.
DIOCESE OF LEIRA-FÁTIMA: Tomorrow there is a Eucharistic procession in the Prayer area at the Sanctuary of Our Lady of The Rosary in Fátima. The schedule is here and procession begins at 17h30. See the digital screenshot below or link here:
There is also a “Procissão do Corpo de Deus” — Presidida pelo bispo D. José Ornelas, also on Thu. Jun 8, 2023 4pm – 5pm Western European Time at Igreja de Santo Agostinho
IMPORTANT EVENTS in NORTHERN PORTUGAL CORPO DE DEUS sent to Subscribers, and now removed. Please subscribe for updates in future.
We covered the ROSARY DISPLAY IN FÁTIMA, PORTUGAL, 7 JUNE 2023 (FIRST WED of the MONTH) at the Shrine as well as the events through Porto, Braga, PdV. Thank you kindly for reading.