Over 50,000 Handmade Rosaries Arrive in Uganda! Guest Author, Dr. Blythe Kaufman updates our readers on the latest from ChildrensRosary.org Worldwide Rosary Prayer Group Movement
The Rosary Hour Podcast shares highlights from the November Newsletter (2nd Edition Exclusive) as well as links to the Christmas Cards available from EWTN to support Children's Rosary
“The prayer of the Rosary, after the Liturgy of the Most Holy Eucharist, is what most introduces us to the intimate mystery of the Most Holy Trinity and the Eucharist, what most brings us to the spirit of the mysteries of Faith, Hope and Charity.”
~ Letter by Beata Sr. Maria Lúcia de Jesus e do Coração Imaculado, Visionary of Fátima
THE ROSARY HOUR PODCAST NEWSLETTER [2nd Edition, 25 November 22]

Today’s Rosary Hour Newsletter presents highlights from Children’s Rosary® prayer apostolate via ChildrensRosary.org as an update since our last post featuring Dr. Blythe Kaufman founder of the Children's Rosary prayer group movement.
Our team spoke with Dr. Kaufman who celebrates Thanksgiving Day Weekend with many of our readers in the USA. We want to wish our friends in the USA a wonderful holiday filled with loving encounters with friends and family. #Thankful #Thanksgiving #ThanksgivingEncounters #Blessings #TeDeum
[Bridgetown, Barbados]
On November 8, 2022, Dr. Blythe Kaufman met with Bishop Scantlebury and his Diocesan team.
Since that meeting, a new Children's Rosary® group has begun at St. Patrick's Primary School which is adjacent to the Cathedral in Bridgetown, Barbados.
We invite you to watch an endorsement video by Bishop Neil Scantlebury.
The following post content was authored by Dr. Kaufman from her desk in the United States of America. Please join our team in welcoming Dr. Kaufman back to the Rosary Hour Podcast Newsletter.
Putting Rosaries in the Hands of Children
By: Guest Author, Dr. Blythe Kaufman (Connecticut, USA)1
Over 50,000 Handmade Rosaries Arrive in Uganda
On April 23, 2022, six barrels were sent to Uganda.
The total number of Rosaries included in the 6 barrels came to 51,621 Rosaries.
Almost all of these Rosaries were handmade.
In total three hundred Children's Rosary® books were sent along with 150 Child Consecration books.
We are grateful to those who support our mission through financial donations and the hundreds who make handmade Rosaries and send them to us from the US and Canada.
ChildrensRosary.org sends only handmade Rosaries, as a double gift of both a Rosary and a tremendous amount of love that went into making each Rosary.
Barrels arrived in October at Kampala:
One barrel went to the Children's Rosary® in the Luweero Diocese
One barrel went to the Children's Rosary® in the Masaka Diocese
Two barrels went to the Children's Rosary® in the Mityana Diocese
Two barrels went to the Children's Rosary® in the Kampala Archdiocese.
ChildrensRosary.org received a lovely call from the Archbishop of Kampala who is extremely supportive of the Children's Rosary®.
The Chancellor of the Archdiocese received the rosaries on behalf of the Archbishop on Monday, October 31.
A picture of the barrels being received by the Chancellor is shown above.
A special thank you to Fr. Jude Ssali and Henry Bukenya for helping to deliver the barrels to the Archdiocese office.
Massive Distribution of Rosaries in East Africa
In addition to the Rosaries that arrived in Uganda, a barrel with 8,497 handmade Rosaries arrived in Tanzania along with a Children's Rosary® banner. This shipment was transported via bus to Fr. Ruwaichi in Moshi Diocese.
Half of the contents of the barrel were picked up by Br. Cleophus to share with the Children's Rosary® in Central Kenya and also to transport to the Children's Rosary® along the coast of Africa in Mombasa.
There are still two more barrels of handmade rosaries en route to Tanzania which contain collectively over sixteen thousand handmade Rosaries.
Children's Rosary® in Pakistan
The new Children's Rosary® group in Maly Chak Purana prayed the Rosary daily in October and also released a balloon Rosary at the end of the month.
First Children's Rosary® Forms in Malawi
We have heard the great news that a Children's Rosary® has formed at St. John the Baptist (Kanyama) Catholic Parish in the Dedza Diocese of Malawi in Central Africa.
Fr. Kalumbi has reported thus far 102 children have registered and 93 actively attend Children's Rosary® meetings which are held on Mondays and Saturdays at 15h00.
Fr. Kalumbi shared:
"they are charming children and more children are joining. Parents and church leaders are extremely happy for the formulation of the group."
The parish has twenty-one outstations, and efforts are being made to initiate more Children's Rosary® prayer groups in the outstations.
There are also fifteen Catholic schools.
We plan to send more Rosaries to this parish to help in introducing the Children's Rosary® also to the schools.
German Version of the Children's Rosary Book Available to Order!
The German Children's Rosary® book is now available to order through Heiligenkreuz Monastery in Austria.
The books are available individually and in the ten pack at a discount.
For more information about the Children's Rosary® in German, visit
Help put rosaries in the hands of children:
Donations can be made electronically HERE. Donations can also be mailed to:
Children's Rosary
PO Box 271743
West Hartford CT 06127 USA
We are excited to release our new Children's Rosary® Christmas Card for 2022:

The Christmas card was painted by Iris Ryan, a member of the Children's Rosary® and younger sister to Abigail Ryan, who painted our prior cards. Iris is twelve years old and lives with her parents and seven siblings in Wisconsin.
Iris is pictured here below:

"Therefore I tell you, do not worry about your life, what you will eat or drink, or about your body, what you will wear. Is not life more than food and the body more than clothes? Look at the birds in the sky; they do not sow or reap, they gather nothing into barns, yet your heavenly Father feeds them. Are you not more important than they?" (Matthew 6:25-26)
May you have a Blessed Christmas and New Year and trust always in the providence of God.
For each box of cards sold, one dollar goes to the nonprofit prayer apostolate: Children's Rosary®. Purchase this Christmas card edition through EWTN religious catalogue, click HERE.
Children's Rosary® has some of our Christmas card collection available at Cenacle Press in Ireland: HERE.
For those in Canada, cards are also available at Sunrise Marian Distribution.
To view, click HERE.
We invite you to visit childrensrosary.org, and share with others in your community ways that you can put Rosaries into the hands of children.