Why is Easter so important? Dr. Bob Schuchts talks about the Resurrection, Jesus' love for us & celebrating Easter with our littlest podcast contributor, Zosia [Authored By: Dr. Bailey]
"Bonus Presentation" dedicated to Our Lady of Sorrows (Das Dores): "Procissão do Enterro do Senhor": highlights from the Archdiocese of Braga in Portugal + Live Stations of the Cross at Lapa
SOURCE: https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/devotions/novena
The Chaplet of The Divine Mercy Novena
Second Day:
Today bring to Me THE SOULS OF PRIESTS AND RELIGIOUS, and immerse them in My unfathomable mercy. It was they who gave Me strength to endure My bitter Passion. Through them as through channels My mercy flows out upon mankind.
Most Merciful Jesus, from whom comes all that is good, increase Your grace in men and women consecrated to Your service,* that they may perform worthy works of mercy; and that all who see them may glorify the Father of Mercy who is in heaven.
Eternal Father, turn Your merciful gaze upon the company of chosen ones in Your vineyard—upon the souls of priests and religious; and endow them with the strength of Your blessing. For the love of the Heart of Your Son in which they are enfolded, impart to them Your power and light, that they may be able to guide others in the way of salvation and with one voice sing praise to Your boundless mercy for ages without end. Amen.
Domingo II da Páscoa ou da Divina Misericórdia / Divine Mercy Sunday is April 16, 2023.1
Watch our *2-minute* Live Record
Video w/ annotated Bibliography below + citation from sermon of D. José Cordeiro, Archbishop of Braga in the Archdiocese of Braga in Portugal:
On Friday, April 07, 2023 (Quinta-Feira Santa à noite) The Rosary Hour Podcast captured highlights from the sombre procession dramatizing the ‘Burial of Our Lord’ presented by parishes on the Camino to Santiago. The "Procissão do Enterro do Senhor"3 is a city-wide procession led by the Confraria Sanctíssimo Sacramento -- it celebrated a 400-year-old-presence on the Atlantic Coast of Portugal in 2022 marked by a presentation by the Municipal Museum that continues until Sept. 20234.
This traditional procession celebrated on Good Friday during Holy Week was preserved via the “Rite of Braga” in Northern Portugal according to Padre José Manuel Semedo Azevedo’s book “Procissões da Semana Santa & de Domingo do Páscoa”:
The modern performance in this 2023 video was sung by S. Oliveira, with her rendition of “The Canto da Verónica” which marked the start of the procession at Igreja Matriz in the historical district of Póvoa de Varzim.5
Expressed dramatically in the form a “funeral procession”, this publicly presented dramatic journey represents & reenacts the mourning of the women (especially), the suffering of Our Lady of Sorrows, and gives witness to the historical6 moment recalled in the procession -- the passion, brutal Crucifixion & Death of Jesus Christ.7
The 2.5 hour night time procession at 22h00 involves participants in costume, who cover their heads with veils of mourning.
Some museum employees described the rotating rattles as way to collect / impose / remind us of silence of the mourners.
Flags and banners carried are symbols of mourning and draped just above the ground.
Cited at the end of the video is Canopi from yesterday's sermon by + D. José Manuel Cordeiro: “Why the Cross?”8 which relates thematically to the meaning behind this Good Friday procession:
O silêncio orante e contemplativo é hoje especialmente experienciado.9
Na verdade, «
Quem não sabe calar não sabe escutar. E quem não sabe escutar não reza, mas quem não sabe rezar nunca poderá entender nada do mistério de Deus (…).
O silêncio não é um vazio, uma clausura, mas um fluir no Verbo, um abrir-se ao eterno, um dar espaço à escuta Daquele que nos habita (…).
11Nada tem eficácia quanto o silêncio carregado de Deus, a oração»
~ A.M CanopiA Virgem Santa Maria, Mãe de Deus e de Deus Filha, mãe do céu, é exemplo de escuta da Palavra de Deus em ordem a uma conformação cada vez maior ao mistério da cruz.
Ela é a perfeita discípula do Senhor, que O segue até à cruz e nos ensina os remédios: encontro pessoal; escuta; (bem)dizer.
+ D. José Manuel Cordeiro
Saint Faustina, you told us that your mission would continue after your death and that you would not forget us. Our Lord also granted you a great privilege, telling you to "distribute graces as you will, to whom you will, and when you will." Relying on this, we ask your intercession for the graces we need, especially for the intentions just mentioned. Help us, above all, to trust in Jesus as you did and thus to glorify His mercy every moment of our lives. Amen12
In Portugal, there are many Holy Week traditions occurring in local areas with different idiosyncratic approaches to this Good Friday evening procession.
In both videos posted for today’s podcast on both channels, we highlight for Semana Santa:
Live The Stations of the Cross at Our Lady of Lapa Parish supported by: Pe. Nuno Rocha
Procession of the Burial of Our Lord led by the community at Igreja Matriz & the citizens of Póvoa de Varzim on the Camino, w/ the support of Pe. Avelino Castro, prior / pastor.
ABOUT THE Q&A by members of the Children’s Rosary ® Visit ChildrensRosary.org
by: Dr. Tina Bailey & Zosia
The Rosary Hour Podcast™ was privileged to have retired Catholic therapist & author Dr. Bob Schuchts join us in conversation recently.
Dr. Schuchts is the founder of the John Paul II Healing Centre where his programs offer spiritual, emotional and physical healing. We talked about the ways that our ‘soul wounds’ can lead to long-term struggles in life and relationships, and how we can embrace healing through our faith. But first, our Junior Rosary Podcast contributor, Zosia, took the lead, with her important question:
Why is Easter so important, even more than Christmas?
It is hard to think about how Jesus suffered on the cross – What does it teach us?
And, how does ‘Dr. Bob’ celebrate Easter?
As we embrace this special time, Dr. Schuchts remind us of both the suffering and joy it represents.
It can be difficult for grown-up ‘Children of God’, as well as our young ones, to grasp the significance of Jesus’ sacrifice for us. We were fortunate to spend time with ‘Dr. Bob’ grappling with more Big Questions… about woundedness and how it impacts relationships and choices, redemptive suffering, and finding wholeness.
Still to come, more of our conversation with Dr. Schuchts, unravelling how ‘soul wounds’ or spiritual trauma can be healed; the pitfalls of pridefulness, or trying to ‘handle it all’ ourselves; and fully embracing the gifts of the Sacraments.
Guided by teachings from Dr. Schuchts’ book, Be Healed, The Rosary Hour Podcast delves into the Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary, and how Jesus shares in our trials, and invites us to wholeness through receiving his love and extending love to others.13
‘Love allows us to grow as God intended, in wholeness and health.’
– Dr. Bob Schuchts, Be Healed
Dr. Schuchts writes about several Catholic prayer traditions and liturgical movements within the Church. Among these, the Holy Rosary is a meditative and healing practice that allows us to submit our spiritual and physical pain to Jesus through Mary.
Guest Biography:
Dr. Bob Schuchts received his doctorate in family relations and brought his gifts to his roles of Catholic therapist, teacher, and pastoral counsellor. His best-selling books are both inspiring and practical, including: Be Healed, Be Transformed, Be Devoted, and Be Transformed.
RHP Interview Team:
Zosia is a RHP Junior Rosary Podcast Contributor and member of the Children’s Rosary International prayer group movement. Zosia & Amelia lead a monthly prayer hour on RadioMaria US every Second Saturday. Join them this Saturday in prayer of the Chaplet, the Rosary and the Litany to Divine Mercy.
Supporting Zosia is Karen Rocha, the Executive Producer of the Rosary Hour Podcast and mother of 2. She loves to travel.
On Easter Sunday: teach someone you know to pray one decade of the Rosary:
More content coming – the Mysteries for Children in English and Portuguese.
The New Version of the Rosary Hour Digital Toolkit developed by the RHP Team and their families / pastors with the help of our mentors, 15 podcasts guests is available when you subscribe to this Newsletter. We are renovating the Digital Toolkit and will revise it for May / June 2023 with new videos from our guests for subscribers.
“How Divine Mercy Came to Be” is a longer talk by Fr. Chris Alar from today:
There is a shorter version here on Fr. Chris’s Living Divine Mercy show on EWTN USA, Eternal Word Television Network:
The “Hallow app” houses a nice handout review on the Seven Sorrows Rosary here: https://hallow.com/blog/7-sorrows/#when-to-pray-7-sorrows
According to records at the first Camino pitstop in Oporto at São Bento, the Municipality of Póvoa de Varzim was the ‘original’ starting point for pilgrims on the Camino to Santiago on the Atlantic coast of Portugal. Today, there are many recognized routes to Santiago from France, Spain, Portugal, etc.
We wish to thank to Pe. Avelino & parish for their warm invitation to all to partake in this special event on the Camino.
Flavius Jospehus describes Jesus — in Antiquitates Judaicae Book 18, Chapter 3.
https://www.diocese-braga.pt/noticia/1/37477 - Homilia - Sexta-feira Santa
Porquê a Cruz?
“A paixão do Senhor coloca-se entre dois extremos: a amargura e a solenidade. Santo Ambrósio chama à Sexta-feira Santa, o dia da amargura; Santo Agostinho apelida-a de solenidade da paixão do Senhor.
Na contemplação de Cristo crucificado, vem-nos ao coração os inúmeros crucificados de sofrimento do mundo inteiro e da nossa Arquidiocese e cidade: doentes, vítimas de todo o tipo de violência, idosos, reclusos, migrantes, pessoas com deficiência, pessoas exploradas, pessoas submergidas na droga, pessoas sem abrigo.”
+ D. José Manuel Cordeiro
“The prayerful and contemplative silence is especially experienced today.”
In fact, "He who does not know how to be silent does not know how to listen. And those who do not know how to listen do not pray, but those who do not know how to pray will never be able to understand anything of the mystery of God (...).
Silence is not an emptiness, a cloister, but a flow in the Word, an opening to the eternal, a giving space to listening to the One who inhabits us (...).
“On Sept. 1, 2015, the Marian Fathers in Stockbridge launched a petition drive requesting the Holy See to name St. Faustina a Doctor of the Church. The Church bestows this ecclesiastical title on saints of extraordinary holiness, those whose theological writings have been declared exemplary and beneficial for the countless faithful worldwide in teaching the truth, beauty, and splendor of the faith.” (https://www.thedivinemercy.org/message/stfaustina).
"Secretary of My most profound mystery," the Lord Jesus said to Sr. Faustina, "know that your task is to write down everything that I make known to you about My mercy, for the benefit of those who by reading these things will be comforted in their souls and will have the courage to approach Me." (The Diary of St. Faustina, Entry #1693)
Thank you for sharing our video on “The Sorrowful Mysteries of the Rosary” featuring Dr. Bob Schuchts & Fr. Chris Alar. Help us to reach 10K+ viewers before “Mercy Sunday” by sharing this video as part of your prayer of the Sorrowful Mysteries during tonight’s Vigil in honour of Our Lady of Sorrows.