
24 Months Later...

More Asher & Amelia with Fr. David Michael Moses + Reunion with Fr. Anthony Gramlich + Fr. Peter Turrone welcomes Tammy Peterson into the Catholic Church

Dear Readers and Friends in Christ:

Here is a fun promo video that I made to celebrate our 24 month / 2 year anniversary.

That’s right, 24 months ago, Asher and I prayed the Rosary together for the first time on Radio Maria USA. (Thank you for joining Zosia and I this evening on Radio Maria, if you tuned-in, btw).

24 months ago, I met Dr. Blythe Kaufman thanks to Fr. Anthony Gramlich who introduced our team to her ministry.

24 months later, Fr. Anthony and I chatted about a new Rosary challenge. This week, I shared some more ideas with him; then he helped me think about new avenues to explore for the Rosary in the 2025 Jubilee. Our team wants to thank Fr. Anthony for his support and encouragement from the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy which celebrated Mercy Sunday last weekend. We will let you know how those projects go, and in the meantime, be sure to sign-up for the Jubilee events here: https://www.iubilaeum2025.va/en/giubileo-2025.html.

Our video on the Luminous Mysteries led by Fr. David Micheal Moses should finally be ready for our next consecration journey that starts 12 May 2024 from the City of the Rosary. Here is his latest video on YouTube with extended eggstras.

ALSO... I want to thank Fr. Elias Mary Mills for his help, as well as Cardinal Marto for inspiring the direction of this apostolate in May 2023 when he said: “It is necessary to develop a new pedagogy to teach children the Rosary” — he recently sent his personal blessing on this Rosary apostolate conversation on the Rosary from Fátima, Portugal. We are so thankful for his prayers.

By way of coincidence, Fr. Peter Turrone’s interview was published on our YouTube channel 12 months ago today, and finally we wish to report that he was the catechist & celebrant at the mass in which Tammy Peterson was welcomed into the Catholic Faith at Holy Rosary in Toronto, Canada.1

Ms. Peterson was joined by her husband, Jordan Peterson, on the Saturday Vigil March 30, 2024 at Fr. Peter’s parish. According to the Catholic Register, “Peterson’s Confirmation sponsor, Queenie Yu, brought a Rosary to the hospital when Peterson was suffering from a rare and aggressive form of cancer, and a debilitating illness that followed after successful cancer surgery nearly five years ago. Peterson was curious about the devotion to the Rosary and Yu taught her how to pray it, joining her every morning for five weeks at Toronto General Hospital.”

Our podcast members are very happy for Tammy Peterson and send our congratulations. I am excited to talk with her one day about the Rosary as she begins this new journey!

"If you wish to convert anyone to the fullness of the knowledge of Our Lord and His Mystical Body, then teach them the Rosary. One of two things will happen, either they will stop saying the Rosary or they will get the gift of faith." 

Finally, I love telling jokes to break the ice when I meet someone new.

Hope you all enjoy this joke in this little video. 😆 Our updated humor 101 will go up soon.

Pray the Rosary Every Day.




p.s. After receiving some “Director’s notes” about the techno-style music added to this presentation, I hope you like this little promo which I’ll change for different guests for posts like these. I hope you might think about sharing it with other children of God! Thank you for listening to the Rosary Hour Podcast.

Thank you for reading The Rosary Hour Podcast Newsletter. This post is public so feel free to share it.


2nd Edition: April 15, 2024.

30 second "short" with Fr. David Michael Moses, COPYRIGHT 2024 © Travessa da Senra House Press in Porto, Portugal; public domain techno-music. Original Joke composed by Amelia Grace for Episode 5 broadcast with founder of Pilgrim Rosary, FatherDavidMichael.com. Today's post reviewed and approved by Godric Kim, Izzy Nunziato, Karen Rocha, Dr. Tina Bailey (Travessa da Senra House Press). Thanks to Colm for sharing memories from Fr. Peter Turrone's Easter Vigil Mass which we were unable to attend in person. Evening Vigil referenced for Educational Use Purposes Only. See original link above. Congratulations to Tammy Peterson and all catacumens and thanks to Fr. Peter Turrone and parishioners at Holy Rosary Church in Toronto, Canada. Visit https://holyrosary.ca to find out times for First Friday and First Saturday Devotions with Fátima prayers with Rosary before the relics of St. Jacinta and St. Francisco Marto; Fr. Peter offers daily adoration, daily confession, daily Chaplet to the Divine Mercy before adoration. 

Listen to Fr. Peter on the Daily TV MASS: April 18th, 2024 on Vocations

  • Listen to the word of God to discover our Mission. Necessity of silence before the Lord.