THE ROSARY HOUR PODCAST NEWSLETTER | EASTER OCTAVE 2024, (Last updated on 1 APRIL 2024. Feliz Páscoa from Travessa da Senra House Press in Porto, Portugal). Special thanks to Caroline Therese, Fr. David Michael from Pilgrim Rosary:
Dear Readers:
This is Amelia. 😄 Happy Easter!
Did you have a great weekend?
I went to last night’s Holy Saturday Vigil mass. I watched another mass on the Livestream: a very special mass. I will tell you about it later!.
This morning, I went back to mass to pray the Rosary. It was led by the local youth group. I got home in time for a house blessing. Then, I shared with you this note about this new video.
First, here is a little joke:
You say, “Who’s there?”
I say, “Lettuce.”
You say, “Lettuce, who?”
I say, "Lettuce watch this video featuring Father David Michael Moses together!"
NEW VIDEO POSTED APRIL 22, 2024 (Final Cut, TOPIC #1: THE POWER OF VISUAL COMEDY" which you can talk about with one other person before watching this clip.
Did you get the joke?
I hope you love tonight's presentation about humor. I want to thank for their help with this presentation. It took 8 months to finish from the first idea to this very post!
Thank you to: Fr. David Michael Moses, Caroline Therese from Pilgrim Rosary USA:
Thank you to Fr. Peter Turrone & Godric Kim; Fr. Nuno Rocha, Izzy Nunziato, Karen Rocha, Dr. Blythe Kaufman, Asher Kaufman, my dad, mom & Dan. Also, thank you also to the Archdiocese of Braga and to all the performers who donated music to be used on this broadcast and to the parishes of Lapa / S. José / Matriz. Thanks finally to Fr. Nahm, Fr. Elias Mary Mills, and so many friends supporting this prayer.1 Thanks to Fr. David Michael for his music from his Concert for Life.
8 months ago, I was watching a video by Father Chris Alar (Narrator of the Rosary Hour Podcast) about the life of a Marian Father. Then, I found a “what a seminarian does all day” video and watched that, when I happened to see Fr. David Michael pop-up in the YouTube suggestions.
I clicked on the video called: “Day-in-the-life of a priest” and discovered his video library. I started watching his content and subscribed to his channel.
Then, I said to myself, “Hey, I really want to interview this, Fr. David Michael.” (I was still nine at the time). So, I wrote a letter, and the rest is history.
Then, Asher Kaufman, who I interviewed in January for the podcast, said he would help me to co-host this episode. Fr. Peter Turrone and Godric Kim and others helped me to think about a lot of things before we recorded on February 2nd, 2024.
I want to thank, personally, Fr. David Michael Moses for being on the show and teaching our listeners all about the value of humor. We start with the first question: “What is the Power of Visual Comedy?”
We all hope you like this show and that it makes you and others laugh as we think about the beauty of the Gospel, of the Easter message, and the mystery of the Resurrection.
Eat your Easter Eggs (not all at once, after you find them) and pray the Rosary every day.
Children’s Rosary will be leading a Rosary on April 13th on Radio Maria USA. Please join us at 4 p.m. EST.
This broadcast and the first booklet on the Joyful Mysteries we will dedicate to Sr. Cardeal Marto of Fátima who is a member of the Dicastery for the Cause for Saints. Let us pray for him and be thankful for his vision that impacted this podcast 10 months ago when he stated from Fátima, Portugal in a paper delivered there in 2023:
"É preciso encontrar uma nova pedagogia para ensinar as crianças a rezar o terço".
We hope Cardeal António Marto’s words are somewhat realized, with a focus on three generations broadcasting about the Rosary.
We want to thank the Sanctuary of Fátima for their influence on the Rosary around the world and hope this little project can grow “a net for souls” that help others to help Our Lady bring all hearts back to the Sacred Heart of Jesus: meek and humble of heart.
Join our 33-day consecration journey to Fátima starting April 28th, 2024 and check out the latest exhibit at the Shrine of Fátima just 1 hour from Lisbon:
NOTE: One may view the original article in Portuguese here with the sub-headline: “O bispo emérito de Leiria-Fátima refletiu sobre a carta apostólica "O rosário da Virgem Maria", escrita pelo Papa São João Paulo II”.
Those interested might visit the culmination of Cardinal Marto’s challenge "to find a new pedagogy to teach children how-to-pray the rosary” (Cardinal Marto) and the upcoming consecration journey will begin with the first task: explaining the mysteries of Joy, a project completed with the Spiritual Direction and pastoral support of Fr. Nuno Rocha who is joined by Dra. Deolinda Carneiro in this investigation of the Rosary from the City of the Rosary on the Camino to Santiago. Click below for updates on this prayer initiative to understand the “Why” behind our prayers of the Joyful Mysteries.

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