29 December 2024, 2nd Edition
Episode Spiritual Direction by Fr. Elias Mary Mills & Fr. Nuno Rocha
In our latest Rosary Channel post, Fr. Elias Mary Mills, FI explored 8 helpful goals to recited the “Act of Consecration to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary”, and which might be done on December 29, 31, or January 1, 2025 for this Consecration Journey. We invite you to click on the following video below and share with others:
4 weeks ago, Fr. Alar talked about “Family Consecration” which can happen today, on the Feast of the Holy Family, or every day of the year. Fr. Charles Nahm suggested the following Consecration Prayer for the family to recite today, and every day if possible:
O Jesus, our most loving Redeemer, Who having come to enlighten the world, with Your teaching and example, willed to pass the greater part of Your life in humility and subjection to Mary and Joseph in the poor home of Nazareth, thus sanctifying the Family that was to be an example for all Christian families, graciously receive our family as it dedicates and consecrates itself to You this day. Defend us, guard us and establish among us Your holy fear, true peace and concord in Christian love: in order that by conforming ourselves to the divine pattern of Your Family we may be able, all of us without exception, to attain to eternal happiness.
Mary, dear Mother of Jesus and Mother of us, by your kind intercession make this our humble offering acceptable in the sight of Jesus, and obtain for us His graces and blessings.
Saint Joseph, most holy Guardian of Jesus and Mary, assist us by your prayers in all our spiritual and temporal necessities; that we may be able to praise our divine Savior Jesus, together with Mary and you, for all eternity.
Prayer Source:Catholic Family Handbook, Theby Rev. George A. Kelly, Random House, Inc., New York, 1959
Pray one Our Father, one Hail Mary, three Glory Be to the Fathers;
Pray a decade of the Rosary with your family, even as a novena, using this resource as we approach the day Jesus was presented by Our Lady and St. Joseph in the temple:
Alternatively, there a novena to the Holy Spirit which can be recited using the Litany to the Holy Spirit
Yesterday, on the December 28th Feast of the Holy Innocents, Fr. Chris Alar gave an “Explaining the Faith” talk about two main questions regarding “Limbo” and the “unbaptized in Heaven”. See below:
In today’s video presentation, Fr. Elias Mary Mills, FI, explores the concept of Mission when we make the recitation of the “Act of Consecration” to the Immaculate Heart of the Blessed Virgin Mary.
NOTE: If you wish to see the original post he reviewed, please link here on the other substack as that annual Consecration Journey ends on 1 January and the new one begins Feb. 2 via
Here are some highlights from the transcript:
FR. ELIAS: Well when you say what are you supposed to do on your consecration day, well, the main thing is you'll be making the “Act of Consecration”.
You'll be saying the prayer, and in this case, the “Act of Consecration” of St. Maximilian Kolbe.
One of the things I would encourage the person to do is before they make the “Act of Consecration” is that they look at his commentary that St. Maximilian Kolbe wrote an “Act of Consecration”. Then he wrote a commentary, meaning he explained line-by-line what it means. [DOWNLOAD THE PDF HERE]:
FR. ELIAS MARY MILLS, FI: So that if you know what you're saying and what it means behind the words he wrote, how he understood the Act of Consecration, that will make it very beneficial and helpful for you when you make your Act of Consecration on the day that you do it.
Then you'll have a greater understanding because you'll have a better understanding why you're saying what you're saying. (It's always good to know what is the meaning behind the words you're saying.)
So that's what I would say first and foremost is to prepare for your day of consecration by reading his commentary, which you can find it online.
FR. ELIAS MARY MILLS, FI: But you should also, I think on your day that you consecrate yourself, if you're able to do so, is to go to confession either the day before or maybe right before, and go to Mass on the day that you consecrate yourself, if it's possible for you to do that.
If not, then I would say it would be good to pray a Rosary before you make your Act of Consecration, so you can't get to Mass and confession.
FR. ELIAS MARY MILLS, FI: Well, if you can go to Mass and go to confession, then I would pray a Rosary, before or after you make your consecration; but, if you're not able to go to Mass and go to confession, I would pray in the Rosary before making the Act of Consecration because I think that'd be a beautiful way to ask Our Lady for the grace to be able to make your consecration and to receive all the graces that she wants to give to you.
Then after you've done that, you want to make your Act of Consecration.
FR. ELIAS MARY MILLS, FI: If the priest or your pastor will let you, do it at the end of Mass. If not then just make it — go to in front of the altar of Our Lady if you're not able to go to church or church is too far away then go in front of an image of Our Lady in your home a statue or a picture of Our Lady. And if it's Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception, Our Lady of Grace, that'd be even better because when you make your Act of Consecration, according to St. Maximilian Kolbe, you're making it under that title of Our Lady of the Immaculate Conception.
FR. ELIAS MARY MILLS, FI: And that's always the image of Our Lady with her hands down at her side, like Our Lady of Grace or Our Lady of Lourdes, and with her foot crushing the head of the serpent.
FR. ELIAS MARY MILLS, FI: : “So do that in front of Our Lady's altar in your church.
Recite the Act of Consecration of St. Maximilian Kolbe, which is a beautiful prayer, and it's not too long.
And then remind yourself of what he understands consecration to Our Lady is all about:
that you become Our Lady's property and her possession and her missionary.
What does it mean to be Our Lady’s Missionary?
Watch today’s video presentation to deepen the “Why” behind reciting the “Act of Consecration”.
How old do you need to be to be Consecrated?
Watch today’s video presentation to hear Fr. Thad’s response. Finally, Fr. Thad talks about his Christmas traditions at the end of this video.
Watch to the end of this segment for sample of “The Secret of Joy” animated in German, "Das Geheimnis der Freude" which asks the following question about happiness:
One of the foremost scholars on Trinitarian theology which we contemplate today on the Feast of the Holy Family is St. Augustine of Hippo. Here is a free introduction to ask his intercession as we celebrate the mystery of the Holy Family in light of the Holy Trinity:
Night Prayer2 with the Joyful Mysteries of the Holy Rosary
During the Octave of Christmas, either form of Night Prayer from Sunday may be used.
O God, + come to my assistance.
— O Lord, make haste to help me.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit:
— as it was in the beginning, is now, and will be for ever. Amen. Alleluia.
Examination of Conscience
A brief examination of conscience may be made.
O Christ, Redeemer of us all,
the Father’s Sole-begotten Son,
in myst’ry born alone from him,
so wondrously before all time,
The Father’s splendor and true Light,
O everlasting hope for all,
bend low to hear your servants’ prayers
poured forth to you throughout the earth.
O author of all saving grace,
recall that once you took our flesh
and from the Virgin pure and chaste
assumed by birth our human form.
This feast today now testifies,
within the cycle of the year,
that you as Savior of the world
alone came from the Father’s throne.
The sky above, the earth, the sea,
and all creation held therein
extol with joyous hymns of praise
the Author of your advent here.
We also, whom you came to save
and by your holy blood redeem,
all sing a new and joyful hymn
to celebrate your day of birth.
To you, Lord Jesus, glory be,
the Virgin Mother’s newborn Son,
with God the Father, ever blest,
and Loving Spirit, ever one. Amen.
Music: Adapted from Michael Praetorius, 1571-1621, in Musae Sionae, VI, 1809
or Mode I, melody 7; Liber Hymnarius, Solesmes, 1983*
Text: Christe, redemptor omnium, ex Patre, Patris Unice, 6th c., © 2023 ICEL
Sunday II
[Sunday I]
Ant. 1 Have mercy, Lord, and hear my prayer.
Psalm 4; Thanksgiving
The resurrection of Christ was God’s supreme and wholly marvelous work (Saint Augustine).
When I call, answer me, O God of justice; *
from anguish you released me, have mercy and hear me!
O men, how long will your hearts be closed, *
will you love what is futile and seek what is false?
It is the Lord who grants favors to those whom he loves; *
the Lord hears me whenever I call him.
Fear him; do not sin: ponder on your bed and be still *
Make justice your sacrifice, and trust in the Lord.
“What can bring us happiness?” many say. *
Let the light of your face shine on us, O Lord.
You have put into my heart a greater joy *
than they have from abundance of corn and new wine.
I will lie down in peace and sleep comes at once *
for you alone, Lord, make me dwell in safety.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.
Ant. Have mercy, Lord, and hear my prayer.
Ant. 2 In the silent hours of night, bless the Lord.
Psalm 134: Evening prayer in the temple
Praise our God, all you his servants, you who fear him, small and great (Revelation 19:5).
O come, bless the Lord, *
all you who serve the Lord,
who stand in the house of the Lord, *
in the courts of the house of our God.
Lift up your hands to the holy place *
and bless the Lord through the night.
May the Lord bless you from Zion, *
he who made both heaven and earth.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.
Ant. In the silent hours of night, bless the Lord.
[Sunday II]
Ant. Night holds no terrors for me sleeping under God’s wings.
Psalm 91: Safe in God’s sheltering care
I have given you the power to tread upon serpents and scorpions (Luke 10:19).
He who dwells in the shelter of the Most High *
and abides in the shade of the Almighty
says to the Lord: “My refuge, *
my stronghold, my God in whom I trust!”
It is he who will free you from the snare *
of the fowler who seeks to destroy you;
he will conceal you with his pinions *
and under his wings you will find refuge.
You will not fear the terror of the night *
nor the arrow that flies by day,
nor the plague that prowls in the darkness *
nor the scourge that lays waste at noon.
A thousand may fall at your side, *
ten thousand fall at your right,
you, it will never approach; *
his faithfulness is buckler and shield.
Your eyes have only to look *
to see how the wicked are repaid,
you who have said: “Lord, my refuge!” *
and have made the Most High your dwelling.
Upon you no evil shall fall, *
no plague approach where you dwell.
For you has he commanded his angels, *
to keep you in all your ways.
They shall bear you upon their hands *
lest you strike your foot against a stone.
On the lion and the viper you will tread *
and trample the young lion and the dragon.
Since he clings to me in love, I will free him; *
protect him for he knows my name.
When he calls I shall answer: “I am with you,” *
I will save him in distress and give him glory.
With length of life I will content him; *
I shall let him see my saving power.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.
Ant. Night holds no terrors for me sleeping under God’s wings.
[Sunday I]
Deuteronomy 6:4-7
Hear, O Israel! The Lord is our God, the Lord alone! Therefore, you shall love the Lord, your God, with all your heart, and with all your soul, and with all your strength. Take to heart these words which I enjoin on you today. Drill them into your children. Speak of them at home and abroad, whether you are busy or at rest.
[Sunday II]
Revelation 22:4-5
They shall see the Lord face to face and bear his name on their foreheads. The night shall be no more. They will need no light from lamps or the sun, for the Lord God shall give them light, and they shall reign forever.
Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
— Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
You have redeemed us, Lord God of truth.
— I commend my spirit.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, and to the Holy Spirit.
— Into your hands, Lord, I commend my spirit.
Ant. Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace.
Canticle of Simeon
Luke 2:29-32
Christ is the light of the nations and the glory of Israel
Lord, + now you let your servant go in peace; *
your word has been fulfilled:
my own eyes have seen the salvation *
which you have prepared in the sight of every people:
a light to reveal you to the nations *
and the glory of your people Israel.
Glory to the Father, and to the Son, *
and to the Holy Spirit:
as it was in the beginning, is now, *
and will be for ever. Amen.
Ant. Protect us, Lord, as we stay awake; watch over us as we sleep, that awake, we may keep watch with Christ, and asleep, rest in his peace.
Let us pray.
we beg you to visit this house
and banish from it
all the deadly power of the enemy.
May your holy angels dwell here
to keep us in peace,
and may your blessing be upon us always.
We ask this through Christ our Lord.
— Amen.
May the all-powerful Lord
grant us a restful night
and a peaceful death.
— Amen.
Antiphon or song in honor of the Blessed Virgin Mary
Loving mother of the Redeemer,
gate of heaven, star of the sea,
assist your people who have fallen yet strive to rise again.
To the wonderment of nature you bore your Creator,
yet remained a virgin after as before.
You who received Gabriel’s joyful greeting,
have pity on us poor sinners.
Alma Redemptóris Mater, quæ pérvia cæli
porta manes, et stella maris, succúrre cadénti,
súrgere qui curat, pópulo: tu quæ genuísti,
natúra miránte, tuum sanctum Genitórem,
Virgo prius ac postérius, Gabriélis ab ore
sumens illud Ave, peccatórum miserére.
Hail, holy Queen, mother of mercy,
our life, our sweetness, and our hope.
To you do we cry,
poor banished children of Eve.
To you do we send up our sighs
mourning and weeping in this vale of tears.
Turn then, most gracious advocate,
your eyes of mercy toward us,
and after this exile
show us the blessed fruit of your womb, Jesus.
O clement, O loving,
O sweet Virgin Mary.
Hail Mary, full of grace,
the Lord is with you!
Blessed are you among women,
and blessed is the fruit of your womb, Jesus.
Holy Mary, Mother of God,
pray for us sinners,
now and at the hour of our death.
Salve, Regína, mater misericórdiæ;
vita, dulcédo et spes nostra, salve,
Ad te clamámus, éxsules fílii Evæ.
Ad te suspirámus, geméntes et flentes
in hac lacrimárum valle.
Eia ergo, advocáta nostra,
illos tuos misericórdes ócculos
ad nos convérte.
Et Iesum, benedíctum fructum ventris tui,
nobis post hoc exsílium osténde.
O clemens, o pia, o dulcis Virgo María.
“What now?”
Baptism of Our Lord
(& Notes on Rosary-in-a-year podcast)
In 2023, one of our Spiritual Directors advising the RHP team said in passing that we should “never underestimate the power of Consecration to the Blessed Virgin Mary”.3
And this statement is certainly true for all who have be part of this Christmas Consecration Journey: we realize we are all called to a new Mission by this pledge and recitation of the “Act of Consecration.”
What next?
It is true — that sometimes, as with our baptismal vows, and their renewal throughout our lives, we might conduct a recitation of the “Act of Consecration” — a promise; then, suddenly time passes with a desire to know “what more to do” after that 30 or 40 day period of intense prayer.
For some of us, even years might pass, and we might still not seek out or quite feel we are listening fully to what God wants for us. Maybe we even go through a period of Spiritual dryness. Maybe things happen that seem to be disconnected to the promises made.
Fr. Elias notes that despite these obstacles, each of us who make the Act of Consecration are called to this Mission — and that by our Consecration, we can hope that God’s action will be unlocked — and that the special mystery attached to Our Lady’s personal Mission for each of us will be presented.
IDEAS FOR NEXT STEPS (Updated on January 11, 2025)
When we thought of Rosary365 last year, we didn’t know that Ascension Press would do just that — create a podcast to teach the Rosary in 365 days!
There is no need to wait one more day for guidance as far as we are concerned — and we are happy to note that Fr. David Michael Moses, previous guest on the Rosary Hour Podcast in 2023, and founder of Pilgrim Rosary has in fact endorsed “Rosary in a Year Podcast”. Many of you know this 365 day journey from Fr. Mike’s “Bible in a Year” and “Catechism in a Year”.
To get started, this podcast begins January 1, 2025 for 365 days and goes until to Dec. 31, 2025 for the Jubilee year.
If you missed the first days, that is okay. This programme goes for a long time and it allows you to partake in a programme immediately to implement your Consecration the Immaculate Heart of Mary by getting to know the Rosary. Izzy notes that this programme, likely would appeal to those in a quieter meditative space Fr. Mark-Mary Ames guides you through a daily journey “poco-a-poco” to deepening the “why” behind the Rosary.
If you missed Days 1-8, you can jump to the BONUS episode from January 9 entitled, “The Biblical Roots of the Rosary”:
The above video gives you a sense of how Ascension Catholic Media has begun to approach the catechesis of the Rosary. We are thrilled to send you there to learn more about the Rosary, especially if you are still new to the Rosary and need some basic background materials to talk about / discuss the richness of this prayer with others.
Fr. Ames has a guided approach which Izzy notes, relies on one’s imagination. The first episode is very mellow and it is a great way to curl up with a cup of tea and your Bible and your notebook, or just before bed so you can wind down to the quiet cadence and sound of the Pendant Rosary Prayers.
Any consecration calls us not just to pray the Holy Rosary every day, but also to explain the Rosary for others.
The Rosary-In-A-Year Podcast does just that, giving you the challenge of not just praying but thinking about the Rosary more intentionally, but also providing a great 365 day exercise that is totally free.
by CHRISTINE (Edited by Amelia / Izzy)
“I listened to this podcast episode today, Jan. 10, and this is where I started. I feel that the above discussion is a nice personal exploration of the Rosary from the gentleman who helped Ascension through his “Bible Timeline” series.
(Note, I do have the book of this series which I didn’t yet crack open — as it is a bit academic and requires some support to get through; however, the conversation above provides some in-roads from the author of that series who knows the Bible well, into many of the elements of the Holy Rosary that we have been presenting at different times, and which we hope and feel might be helpful for those in Catholic schools who need some support with the Rosary and teaching it.)
After listening to this podcast episode, even starting here, I do appreciate the podcast approach to teaching this prayer — and now am interested in seeing the other episodes because it seems Ascension is going to organically explore a really great prayer study — and what could in 2025 be the most important professional development avenue for parents who are first educators and Godparents looking for ways to pray for their God children.
Also, some might even be inspired to invite their children who can be part of this journey with basic catechesis, into this conversation.
This podcast is a great challenge pastors can give to anyone as part of the Jubilee Year — and extension of the Year-of-Prayer.
And for those who, like Karen Rocha, have done Bible-in-a-Year programme, then perhaps you might really like this format.
Ascension also did, by the way, Catechism-in-a-Year, etc. If you want to get started, here is the US podcast link for ITunes” or you can download on GooglePlay, etc.
If you are an RHP reader and are following this podcast, feel free to send Amelia and Izzy your review of any “Rosary-in-a-Year” podcast via odiario AT or post above to be possibly added to our discussion of this podcast which Dr. Bailey and Zosia will follow when time permits.
The Magnificat prayer group and apostolate, for instance, renews their consecration yearly on December 8th, feast of Our Lady of Guadalupe, following the programme created by Fr. Michael Gaitley, MIC from the National Shrine of the Divine Mercy. They gather together after 33-days and on Consecration Day, they all pray together, have a Mass just for this consecration, with specific readings, followed by a lovely meal for all who gather.
Excerpts from iBreviary for Educational Use Purposes Only. Download the free app in multiple languages.
Thanks to Fr. Peter Turrone, pastor in Ontario, Canada, who imagined the Season 2 Podcast Direction in explore our identity as beloved sons and daughters of God. Fr. David Michael Moses answers this question on YouTube here from a episode Fr. Peter co-produced with Dan, Godric and Amelia:
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