"What must I do to inherit eternal life?". Any other question about the meaning and value of our life would be, in the presence of Christ, insufficient and unessential. ~ St. John Paul II
"Que devo fazer para alcançar a vida eterna?". Qualquer outra pergunta sobre o sentido e o valor de nossa vida, diante de Cristo seria insuficiente e não essencial.” (São João Paulo II, pg. 13, “Carta Aos Jovens”)1
PORTUGUESE: We cite the above from page 13 of the hard-copy of the text published by “Secretariado Geral do Episcopado” (Editoral A.O. — Braga) Com licença eclesiástica, “Carta Aos Jovens" do Papa João Paulo II, No Ano Internacional da Juventude (31 de Março, Domingo de Ramos na Paixão do Senhor, do ano de 1985, sétimo do meu Pontificado).
ALSO IN THIS VIDEO: MEMORIES OF VISIT TO SANTUÁRIO DO SANTÍSSIMO MILAGRE DE SANTARÉM, located at Escandinhas do Milagre, n.º6, Santarém. 2000-069 Santarém, Portugal just 1 hour or so drive outside of Lisbon. This pilgrimage, albeit virtual for our readers, is an answer to the question of JPII and reminder of our Eternal Destinies bought by the precious blood of Jesus Christ and rendered to us by virtue of our baptism which gave to us a supernatural being that the Miracle of Santarém reminds us to pay attention to when we go to the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass.2
We are reminded today on Ash Wed that we are dust. St. Louis de Montfort tells us that we need to remember we are food for worms! The priest places the ashes on our forehead so that we can contemplate the supreme reality that to dust we shall return; yet, it is only in that paradox where we can embrace a True knowledge that God reveals in us through the great miracle of baptism the capacity to become His beloved daughters and sons as we contemplate what it means to be children of God. Here is a video in Portuguese:
2nd Edition with Annotated Bibliography to explain FAIR USE in this presentation below:
Produced by Travessa da Senra House Press, PORTO, PORTUGAL | ORIGINAL SCRIPT developed by: AMELIA WITH ASHER KAUFMAN and FR. PETER TURRONE (SPIRITUAL DIRECTOR) and DR. BLYTHE KAUFMAN / IZZY NUNZIATO / KAREN ROCHA (Executive Producers). LIVE RECORD IN-STUDIO SUPPORT FROM FR. DAVID MICHAEL MOSES, FOUNDER OF PILIGRIM ROSARY. VIDEO FOOTAGE for LIVE RECORD CAPTURED on FEBRUARY 2, 2024 is COPYRIGHTED 2024 to PRESENT | All music used in this video is copyrighted and provided courtesy of Canadian Composer David Braid with “Memories” music segment recording donated for Educational Use by Ottavia Choir with instrumentalists on Organ / Violin from Portugal and provided courtesy of GRJ Youth Group from Padre Nuno’s Parish in P.V., Porto, Portugal, St. Joseph’s.
CINEMATOGRAPHY from LISBON, PORTUGAL including “Still images” referenced in this free presentation of the Shrine of the Eucharistic Miracle of SANTARÉM in PORTUGAL and footage of OUR LADY OF LAPA PARISH on the CAMINO TO SANTIAGO were captured by TRAVESSA DA SENRA HOUSE PRESS.
FAIR USE NOTES in footnotes.3
The question of how to renew the Church has always been linked to the Rosary. And if the hearts of innocent children have hearts most like Jesus Christ, they are more able to formed by Our Lady when they pray the Rosary every day.
Further, the Catechism teaches in 2563: “The heart is our hidden center, beyond the grasp of our reason and of others; only the Spirit of God can fathom the human heart, and know it fully.” The psalm antiphon from the 6th Sunday of Ordinary time also reads:
“I turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.”
This psalm mirrors the challenge of St. John Paul II as a reminder to the people of the world of where to look for hope, c.f. his APOSTOLIC LETTER DILECTI AMICI, “TO THE YOUTH OF THE WORLD ON THE OCCASION OF INTERNATIONAL YOUTH YEAR”.
He begins by citing the following words: "Always be prepared to make a defence to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you" (1 Peter 3:14-15).
This is the exhortation that I address to you young people at the beginning of the present year. 1985 has been proclaimed by the United Nations Organization International Youth Year, and this is of great significance, first of all for yourselves, and also for people of all ages-individuals, communities and the whole of society. It is of particular significance also for the Church, as the custodian of fundamental truths and values and at the same time as the minister of the eternal destinies that man the great human family have in God himself.
Since man is the fundamental and at the same time the daily way of the Church,(2) it is easy to understand why the Church attributes special importance to the period of youth as a key stage in the life of every human being. You young people are the ones who embody this youth: you are the youth of the nations and societies, the youth of every family and of all humanity; you are also the youth of the Church. We are all looking to you, for all of us, thanks to you, in a certain sense continually become young again. So your youth is not just your own property, your personal property or the property of a generation: it belongs to the whole of that space that every man traverses in his life's journey, and at the same time it is a special possession belonging to everyone. It is a possession of humanity itself.
In you there is hope, for you belong to the future, just as the future belongs to you. For hope is always linked to the future; it is the expectation of "future good things". As a Christian virtue, it is linked to the expectation of those eternal good things which God has promised to man in Jesus Christ.(3) And at the same time, this hope, as both a Christian and a human virtue, is the expectation of the good things which man will build, using the talents given him by Providence.
In this sense the future belongs to you young people, just as it once belonged to the generation of those who are now adults, and precisely together with them it has become the present reality. Responsibility for this present reality and for its shape and many different forms lies first of all with adults. To you belongs responsibility for what will one day become reality together with yourselves, but which still lies in the future.
When we say that the future belongs to you, we are thinking in categories of human impermanence, which is always a journey towards the future. When we say that the future depends on you, we are thinking in ethical categories, according to the demands of moral responsibility, which requires us to attribute to man as a person-and to the communities and societies which are made up of persons-the fundamental value of human acts, resolves, undertaking and intentions.
This dimension is also a dimension proper to Christian and human hope. And in this dimension the first and principal wish that the Church expresses for you young people, through my lips, in this Year dedicated to Youth, is this: that you should "always be prepared to make a defence to any one who calls you to account for the hope that is in you".(4)
Today’s video presentation is entirely youth led with Children’s Rosary interview preview for Subscribers of this Newsletter featuring Fr. David Michael Moses, Founder of Pilgrim Rosary interviewed by Amelia, member of Children’s Rosary who also directed this segment & with co-host, co-producer Asher in this segment of their full interview which will be released soon.
NOTE: We share some basic footage from a Eucharistic Miracles pilgrimage to Lisbon where World Youth Day occurred in August 2023 and then some quick shots of Santarém, Portugal with a link in the footnotes to the PDF created by Bl. Carlo Acutis.4
“Fr. David Michael Moses is 30 years old and grew-up in Houston, Texas. He started college when he was just 14 and graduated with his bachelor’s degree at the age of 18. He was accepted into several law schools, but ultimately felt called to the priesthood and entered seminary for the Archdiocese of Galveston-Houston. He was ordained in 2019 at the age of 25 and is now the parochial vicar at Christ the Good Shepherd in Spring, Texas. He enjoys writing music and his “Concerts for Life” have collectively raised over $788,000 to assist women in crisis pregnancies. Fr. David Michael is the founder of the Pilgrim Rosary project and is also active on social media where he shares stories from priestly life.”
Introducing the Pilgrim Rosary. Watch as your track-able Rosary journeys the globe, passed from one Pilgrim to another!
Enjoy this subscriber’s only presentation of Part 1 of this Children’s Rosary Q & A preview / presentation which we are still in the process of refining for YouTube. The upcoming episode on Humor led by Asher Kaufman and Amelia will be shared out on Easter Sunday, 7 PM EST as will the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary (5 decades) led by Fr. David Michael Moses.
Visit our Channel for notifications on future posts:
Today’s presentation was produced for subscribers only. An updated version will appear on YouTube in the coming days.
The initial question in this discussion, which will continue in the next segments with Asher leading the larger discussion on humor, was asked in light of the previous two videos released as promos for this multi-media presentation by Amelia and led with Asher in the effort “get-to-know” the guest, common to this Live Record Q & A structure that precedes the episode on “Humor” with Fr. David Michael and which will be released as a Micro Masterclass on March 31, 2024, Easter Sunday at 7 p.m. via our YOUTUBE CHANNEL:
Give delight to the Sacred Heart of Jesus in 2024 like St. Faustina (Diary 1194), asking each day for Him to pour forth the fountain of His “unfathomable mercy” on the whole world.
Enter into this day-to-day martyrdom of prayer for 54 days from February 14 to April 7
+ Console Our Lady of Sorrows + Solemn Rosary on April 8, the Feast of the Annunciation.
After the credits by Fr. Chris Alar, narrator of the Rosary Hour Podcast, Fr. David Michael Moses prays the Luminous Mysteries of the Rosary with Amelia and Asher, members of Children’s Rosary who have also participated on Live Radio broadcasts of the Rosary on Radio Maria. Amelia and Asher first prayed the Rosary together in April 2022 with Dr. Blythe Kaufman, almost 2 years ago.
As part of our 2nd Edition of this post, here is the first Luminous Mystery from the script used for this broadcast and written by the Rosary Hour Podcast, which we had to abbreviate due to time constraints:
The 1st Luminous Mystery: The Baptism of Our Lord Jesus
..."And when Jesus had been baptized, just as he came up from the water, suddenly the heavens were opened and he saw the Spirit of God descending like a dove, and alighting on him. And a voice from heaven said,
'This is my beloved Son, with whom I am well-pleased"'
(Matthew 3: verses 16 to 17).
“We offer Thee, O Lord Jesus, this first decade in honor of Thy Baptism in the River Jordan, and we ask of Thee, through this mystery and through the intercession of Thy most Holy Mother, a profound openness to the gifts of the Holy Spirit this day, and throughout our lives.”
Today’s presentation is a reminder of the power of the priesthood to bring to all this message that we are meant for Heaven: the priest has the supreme duty of granting to us the supernatural grace provided through the sacrament of baptism when Heaven is :”born in our souls “(Fr. Elias); the priest offers the wonderful opportunity this Lent for us to go to Jesus, and to present our fragile and broken humanity to God through Him, when we reveal that woundedness to the representative of Christ in the confessional with the Trust that Christ will heal our wounds in His wounds; the priest has the great power to give each of us the Holy Communion so that we shall not be eternally starved; and through the Bishops we are given the gifts of the Holy Spirit through confirmation which unites us to Heaven by sending down the Holy Spirit of God into our hearts, inflaming us with the very fire that imparts into us the strength of God by the Sign of the Cross imprinted on our souls that we might speak the Truth of the Gospel; and then when we are sick, we can be anointed by the priest who has the power to heal our minds, our bodies, and with olive oil blessed by the bishop in our preparation to meet God before we depart from this Earth. You can read more about the sacraments in the Aquinas Catechism, as well as
FAIR USE NOTES: “PRIEST BLESSES CORVETTE” and still pictures from the “pranked videos”, are meant for this temporary presentation as Bibliographic Annotations / Citations to support this free video presentation and conversation with the content creator, Fr. David Michael Moses.
These “still images” with “commentary by youth content creator” of the Rosary Hour Podcast, Amelia, serves to illustrate meaningful media engagement literacy and creative scrapbook response with an annotation of “Good vibes” and “cool” and “live, laugh, love” as integrated creative responses, like a visual essay, to add to her expressive analysis as a viewer and consumer of media. This exploration of the video content, while also citing and commenting positively on the “fun” aspects of the content viewed as research for this interview is presented only for “Educational Use Purposes”.
NOTE: These very brief citations are also intended to redirect viewers to the entire YouTube library content created by Fr. David Michael Moses with his collaborators, while also using intertextual image citations from original footage so as to draw attention to the powerful global impact created by his collaboration with Shalom World. We’ll look into transforming a future video with other B-Roll as it becomes available.
We are thankful to Father David Michael for allowing us to talk about his video content and in this presentation, we share for Educational Use Purposes only to our free subscribers, and free readers, what is intended as “illustrative citations” of his materials by their quick quotations of “both words and images” from the original YouTube posts. These quotes seek merely to engage the audience who is yet unfamiliar with the YouTube and SW materials of Fr. David Michael Moses, and to illustrate how his content creation for visitors to this podcast matters to youth by lifting up the Body of Christ. We claim this as “Fair Use” of popular culture online, as a space of digital conversation about the Faith, and seek to illustrate the larger purpose painted with popular music elements, if only to drive the point home of St. John Paul II’s Apostolic Letter of 1985, which we also cite for this presentation for Educational Use Purposes as reminder of how Youth ministry online and created for YouTube ministry (and in coordination with other media) …. might even today serve to draw people to Jesus Christ, especially those far from the Church.
This kind of multimedia presentation seeks to begin to demonstrate the essence of “humor” and “fun” and “good will” that will be inevitably highlighted in future video presentations for this visit captured by the Rosary Hour Podcast Live Record Studio.
It also seeks to promote the ideal of robust social discourse and democratic conversation by way of listening / responding, and which is so necessary in media literacy. All of these functions we hope are not only served but encouraged as ways to engage young people in digesting media with an understanding of its educational function to teach others about eternal life. This free newsletter explores ways to point young people of all ages toward the smart analysis of the video content, like that of Fr. David Michael Moses via his websites: and /or so as to rethink how we can, even today, find new ways to invent content that might redirect Youth to the Love of God via the prayer of the Holy Rosary and the power of prayer as they do everything in their lives with the Blessed Mother.
We can also see an example of intertextual reference being drawn upon by the interviewer, Amelia, who is parsing the media world to understand it and ask an authentic question like “Where did all the stuffies go?”. These moments in the School of Mary remind us that children are true philosophers, and this is one of the deeper messages expressed by Our Lady of Fátima and which might relate to our times.
When Venerable Lúcia asked, “What do you want of me?” of Our Lady when she appeared to her in the Cova, she demonstrated the docility of a child capable of listening to Our Lady of the Rosary, unlike the adults who have lost their sense of curiosity and wonder and instead migrate toward the status quo rather than exploring alternatives to that which forms the normative demands of power.
This notion of listening in this Children’s Rosary Q and A, Part 1 of 3, models for the modern educator the power of inquiry and the podcast medium which allows children to be curious observers of the online world and to parse it and the content they experience for the Truth. Thus guided by the formation in the Rosary which enhances the virtues asked for at the end of this video and which advertises five decades of the Rosary which Fr. David Michael — and which is also prayed by Amelia and Asher at the end of their session on Feb. 2nd, manifests this idea of presentation to God of young hearts. Such a phenomenon is epitomized by the prayer of the heart: the Rosary, and we’ll share soon the full text of the prayers we composed for the Luminous Mysteries. Scroll down for the text of the First Luminous Mystery composed specifically for this broadcast by the RHP team and overseen by Fr. David Michael in his recording.
We thank you, readers, for your open minds and support of this content by way of sharing / citing the channel Bibliography of this video with others: Here is the link to his full YouTube Library of Fr. David Michael Moses on YouTube, hereby cited by this podcast for Educational Fair Use and we thank Fr. David and Shalom World for their leadership in content creation and teaching our team the value of re-thinking how to share with the current generation the hope that is in us so we will say: I “turn to you, Lord, in time of trouble, and you fill me with the joy of salvation.” Thank you, and enjoy this special focus on Youth Ministry led by Youth under 35, in the Spirit of “what next” after World Youth Day in Lisbon 2023. God bless you and Blessed Carlos Acutis, pray for us!
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